Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ready, Ready, Ready...Ready to Run!

This past weekend, Oliver and I ran in our first race. It was a kids fun run and we were SO ready. The night before, we ate lots of pasta. Saturday morning, we woke up, ate breakfast and put on our exercise clothes. Oliver was so excited the night before that he could hardly sleep. I played it much cooler.

Here I am, getting ready to start stretching. I should probably mention that daddy was the one who taught us how to stretch before the big race. Stretching is NOT one of mommy's strengths.

We mostly just hung around and touched our toes.

Finally, we arrived at the big race! It was colder than we thought so I had to put on my sweater. When we first got there, we got our numbers and t-shirts. I would have worn my new t-shirt but it was sooooo long that it would have definitely slowed down my time. If Grammy had been there, she probably would have told me, "It's not how fast you run, but how good you look doing it."

I was feeling all confident. Until....about 10 minutes before the race. Mommy and daddy looked at me and knew that I was getting nervous.

Then Dzia Dzia showed up to cheer us on!

Yup, I'm STILL nervous.

AND....still nervous. I think I revealed a lot about my personality that mommy and daddy didn't know in the short time we spent waiting before the race!

Oliver couldn't have been happier.

Here's a smile. After a few practice laps I'm feeling like myself again!

NOW I'm excited!

I was in the 2 and under race. All of the sudden, a woman started telling the under 2 year olds to line up. Mommy went to the finish line and daddy tried to give me some advice. I didn't want to hear any of it because I knew what I needed to do. "On your marks, get set, GO!" And I started running!

Here is Oliver cheering me on!

I am running with all my might toward the May pole. Here I come!

I did it! I kept on telling everyone that I won. I guess in my mind I won :)

With my medal around my neck, I am ready to watch my brother in the 3-4 year old race.

Here he comes! He had to go down, touch the May pole and then go all the way back.

He had a great time and had high fives all around at the finish!

We were so proud of each other for running the race that we decided to hug! I love my brother and I know he loves me.

When we got in the car after the big race, we told mommy we were so hungry and really needed to eat some bagels with cream cheese. I can't wait until our next fun run!

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