Monday, October 24, 2011

Cape Cod- A Quick Visit

We really missed Nonna and Papa so we decided to head down to Cape Cod last weekend for one night. While mommy did some schoolwork, we went with Daddy and Papa to the Heritage Museum. Please pardon my hair, mommy did it in braids and they slowly started to come out as the day progressed!

When we got back to Nonna and Papa's house, Nonna told us we were going to help her make a pumpkin pie from the pumpkin in the backyard.

We scooped, mixed and it turned into the most delicious pie!


Before we left on Sunday, we went to Coonamessett Farm to go on a hayride.

It was such a nice weekend! We all had a great time.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our First Pumpkin Carving!

We had a great day with Dzia Dzia carving our first pumpkins!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Finding a Perfect Pumpkin

Last week, we went with Jen, Ava and Ryan to find a pumpkin. We had a great time searching and playing with all the fun activities at Connors Farm!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Farm Animals...Boo!

We went to the Topsfield Fair for the first time last week. I was very excited to play with Lauren and her mommy. I was excited by all the sights and the yummy smells.

I was having a great time making candles and playing.

I had fun eating a snack and watching a show.

And! We started to look at all the animals. Oliver was super excited to feed the animals. I was not happy about it.

I just stood behind and did a bit of watching.

I did enjoy seeing the big sand castle. It was amazing!

The fun really began for me when I played on the trucks. Who knew I had such an interest in these types of machines?

After a really fun day at the fair (except for those darn animals), we headed home.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How About Them Apples?

We went apple picking with Allison, Emily, their husbands and children last Sunday after church.

We were very particular about the types of apples we picked.

I got a little distracted while apple picking.

And then I may, or may not, have eaten 1 or 7 apples!

Once our bags were each pretty much full, we ate some lunch and headed home!