Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do You Love Me SO Much?

Lately, my conversations with mommy have been going something like this:

Me- "Do you love me so much?
Mommy- "Yes, Adelaide."
Me- "To the moon and back and to the sun and back?"
Mommy- "Yes."
Adelaide- "Well, give me a real kiss."

This real kiss consists of a full lips on kiss that I reserve for some people.

This past weekend was really low key. We spent Sunday bowling with daddy while mommy went to do some schoolwork. Daddy forgot to bring the camera which is why there are no pictures.

We are very excited for Halloween! Tomorrow I get to make my big costume debut with the downtown trick or treating affair that is going on!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

All You Need is Love...

Tonight, mommy caught Oliver and me giving each other some love. I went over and told him "I love you Oliver" and gave him a huge kiss and he reciprocated with lots of hugs and even a kiss! Even though we fight about little things, I am so happy he is my brother!

When we pick Oliver up from preschool, he and I have some really deep conversations in the backseat that typically go something like this:
Me: What did you do at preschool today Oliver?
Oliver: I made applesauce.
Me: Was it fun?
Oliver: Yes! What did you do at Little Gym, Adelaide?
Me: I played with the balls.
Oliver: What else?
Me: I went on the bars.

And then eventually we run out of things to say and start to sing any song that we can think of.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween Cupcakes

It's no secret that cupcakes are probably my favorite thing in the whole world. On Monday afternoon, mommy told me that after I woke up from my nap, Oliver and I would be decorating Halloween cupcakes. I was so happy when I went to my crib and I was even more excited when I woke up. Mommy and Oliver were standing next to my crib and they simply said "cupcakes" and I was grinning ear to ear!

Mommy and Oliver had done all the preparation while I was sleeping. They made the cupcakes and got our plates ready. All I had to do was decorate and eat, eat, eat!

Here I am asking mommy if this is really my cupcake that I can decorate however I want.

A cupcake day is a happy day!

Now my cupcake decorating strategy is simple: eat everything on my plate.

Thank goodness for the spoon, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to eat the frosting fast enough.

Oliver is showing off my cupcake. And then I ate it...and his too!

The end result. We had to change because of the mess, but that change meant that I got to wear my cupcake shirt!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mini-Vacation With Nonna and Papa

At the end of last week, Oliver and I found out we were in for a special surprise. We were invited to spend a few days with Nonna and Papa down on Cape Cod without our parents. On Thursday we met Nonna halfway and drove in her car the rest of the way to Cape Cod. When we got there, we played and had a dinner of meatballs and egg balls. The next day, Nonna and Papa took us to the children's museum. We also got to make our own pizzas! On Saturday, we went to Coonamessett Farm. We had so much fun! On Saturday night, mommy and daddy came to pick us up so on Sunday the four of us went for a hike in the woods.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Last weekend, we decided it would be fun to paint our little mini-pumpkins and then put stickers on them. Oliver and I were very focused on this project. We painted the "first coat" on Friday. Then we painted the "second coat" on Friday night and then Saturday morning we put stickers on them with Nikki. Now, this may look like just an amateur artist did this pumpkin, but I assure you, quite a bit of time and thought went into making this pumpkin.

Here's a picture of me in the first phase of my oh, so, important pumpkin decorating process!

On Saturday afternoon, we headed to the park for a little fun. Oliver and mommy introduced me to a really fun game.

Duck, Duck, Goose! I loved it. Oliver and mommy thought I didn't quite get it because I just kept on tapping Oliver's head but the reality was that I had a strategy in mind.

And then I'd tap my own head.

Oliver, for some reason, thought this was hysterical!

Then, I'd Goose myself and run away. Oliver always came to my rescue.

And then we played leap frog with each other. But, mommy was the only one who could successfully jump over us. Oliver thought that this, too, was hysterical.

I caught a case of the giggles!

On Sunday morning, we headed up to Maine for the Harvest Dinner. I got to see my cousins Lorelai and Gabriella. We attempted a cousins picture but I just could not keep my finger out of my mouth. I have two new teeth that just popped in and I'm waiting for two more. What can I say?

Mimi and Papa did a great job planning the dinner.

My Great Aunt Laurie made these really cute turkeys for us. They were yummy!

The other day we stopped by Grammi and Dzia Dzia's house and I was so excited to see more pumpkins and scarecrows. It looks great outside their house!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday Happenings

Today I had my Little Gym class. I am really having lots of fun taking the class with Sadie. I am learning how to do a forward roll. My favorite thing, without question, are the bars. I love them. I could hang from them forever. Or, at least until my arms give out (and we all know THAT doesn't take too long to happen)!

This afternoon, mommy, Oliver and I went to Connors farm to get some fruit and ended up playing in the kid area for quite a while. We played with all of the pumpkins. I could not believe just how many pumpkins there were in the patch!

Oliver decided to hold my hand for one of the pictures.

Yes, I am chewing on hay. Sometimes mommy wonders where I came from! I saw a piece of hay, picked it up and just started chewing it as if I was a cowgirl!

There was also a corn pit with trucks. Oliver and I filled the trucks with all sorts of corn and made special deliveries.

Then we found the mini-maze!!! We went through it over and over again.