Monday, June 28, 2010

Morning in Boston

On Sunday morning, mommy, daddy, Oliver and I headed out on an adventure in Boston. First we went to the North End where we ate breakfast at a really yummy place. Oliver and I split the blueberry pancakes and two orders of sausage. Mommy and daddy had the eggs benedict. Oliver was daddy's big helper making both mommy and daddy's coffee. I wouldn't sit still long enough for mommy and daddy to snap a photo of me while we were waiting for breakfast. And, I dove right into my pancakes so they were gracious enough to hold out on the picture taking until after we finished.

It was a beautiful day so we walked over to Faneuil Hall. It took me a little while to get there and I definitely needed to hold mommy's hand. We made a few stops along the way because I tend to get distracted easily by things such as grass.

Once we got to Faneuil Hall we made a little stop at a bench to take a rest. From there, we decided to walk over to the Boston Commons.

Who knew there was a really fun park with a frog fountain area at the park? Oliver had been asking mommy and daddy over and over if we could go to a park and they did not disappoint. This frog I am standing next to would start spouting water every few minutes and we just thought it was the funniest thing ever!!!

So, after the park we decided to take the underground train (aka the subway). That was something that got Oliver super excited so I'll let him tell you all about that. I didn't really care at that point. I just needed someone to hold me. Once we got to our subway stop we came to another little water area where we could run around with water flowing all around us. Pure joy again!!!

We begged mommy to take off her shoes and join us so she joined us in the water area. We showed her the ropes.

As if we hadn't already had a fun enough day, but we were invited over to Grammi and Dzia Dzia's house for a birthday dinner for mommy. Everyone was there. Daddy helped Dzia Dzia grille up the steaktips and they turned out delicious. Mommy was able to snap a photo of the men while the rest of us were playing in the baby pool.

My cousin Gabriella was there as well. She turned 5 months today and I can't wait until she is walking around with us and we can really play with her. She is so alert. I know she is taking in all the activity and just waiting to be a part of all the action!

Here's the three of us getting our feet wet in the pool and blowing bubbles. Dzia Dzia got a little bit mad at Oliver and Adelaide for picking his quite green cherry tomatoes (hello...I tried to tell them that they were called cherry tomatoes for a reason:) but otherwise we had a really fun afternoon.

After a very delicious dinner, we all sang Happy Birthday to mommy and we had strawberry pie.

And, finally, here I am reflecting on all of the action of the day. Life is good. I wish Oliver would stop annoying me but otherwise, I love my life.

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