Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Once a year, we pay a visit to Harpoon to drop off some treats for Chris and the other employees.  Last year, we went on Valentine's Day but this year we decided to go on St. Patrick's Day.  Clearly, Oliver was VERY excited about dropping off the pots of gold.  He could hardly contain himself which is why there aren't many pictures of him while we were at Harpoon.  He was literally running from person to person wishing them a Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Adelaide played it a bit cooler but still was enjoying herself.
 Oliver, Adelaide and I made Pots of Gold.  They consisted of little black kettles and I attached a ribbon and shamrock that the kids had painted.  Inside, we put gold chocolate coins, Starburst, Rolos, tattoos, pins and stickers.  The kettles were actually bigger than I thought they'd be when I ordered them so we found ourselves buying more and more bags of candy as we filled them!

 When we got there, Oliver and Adelaide went to work dropping off the treats.

 Oliver was excited to see where daddy worked and even tried to help him!
 After we left Harpoon, we headed over to see Grammi at her work and we brought her a Blarney Scone.

 Of course Oliver and Adelaide expected to try the scone before leaving and Oliver did some work for Grammi that involved hole punching and stapling.
 When we got home, I gave them a snack of green milk and lucky charms.  This is a terrible picture but Adelaide was literally jumping up and down because she saw the green milk!

 Next up was making a leprechaun trap.  Daddy was happy to design our trap after we all did some research about the best way to catch a leprechaun.
 Adelaide decided to act like a leprechaun before starting to make the trap.

 Here is the finished product.  Oliver and Adelaide had so much fun putting together the trap and really hoped to catch a leprechaun.
 Oliver is explaining exactly how the leprechaun will get caught.
 Oliver and Adelaide decided later on that they needed to add some more zest to the trap so they adorned it with stickers, stickers and more stickers!

 St. Patrick's Day ended with shamrock shakes that consisted of mint ice cream, oreos and whipped cream.
Unfortunately, we didn't catch a leprechaun.  But, we had fun trying!

On a completely random note, today was 75 and beautiful.  Before dinner, I took the kids outside to blow bubbles and I sat on the grass watching them.  They were so happy.  The joy that something so simple brought to them made me really think about how I sometimes try so hard to make the holidays special and create memories, but really, it could be just those simple moments like blowing bubbles that they will remember when they are older and look back on their childhood.  I am totally okay with that possibility.  In fact, I am more than okay with that.  I want them to experience childhood to it's fullest and watching them blowing bubbles and running around trying to catch them on their wands could not have been a more beautiful representation of childhood moments at their best.

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