Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Naughty and Nice

The Naughty Side of Me:

Would you believe that this fully clothed little girl...

Decided to take off her underpants and pants in the middle of the woods...

And proceed to hide them next to a tree?

Even better, she looks so innocent standing here in the woods. (she does NOT have any pants on)

Clearly she is up to no good!

Uh oh, she got caught by mommy AND some lovely people who were walking their dog.

She finally decided to put her pants back on and continue her walk.
(On an exciting note: those undies mean that I am successfully potty trained! I decided on Saturday I wanted to wear underwear and have been wearing them since then)

The Nice Side of Me:

The other day, I went raspberry picking with mommy and Oliver and mommy told us it was one of the funnest afternoons she had with us.

I was being so sweet and loving. I kept on flashing huge smiles. I also made a wish on this flower. I wished for a little baby doll.

I successfully managed to put eight raspberries in my basket. The rest went in my mouth.

After picking, we played on the web of ropes.

It was a wonderfully entertaining day of being naughty and nice.

1 comment:

Ella's Mom said...

oh, Adelaide! Congrats on being potty trained girly!