Saturday, August 27, 2011

Adelaide's Response

So, mommy told her side of potty training but she left out one very important part of the story. When I was in the early stages of training, on a Sunday, Oliver and I had been playing with play-doh. We were making all sorts of colors and I was doing this art in the nude. Mommy and daddy were in the kitchen making breakfast when all of the sudden I decided to show them something. At first they looked at my hands and said "You made some really dark play-doh." And then they realized that play-doh should NOT smell. After a quick search they discovered that I had pooped on the floor. The best comment of the day was when daddy turned to mommy and said, "Do you think it could still possibly be play-doh?" They had a good laugh. Daddy was really freaked out by it! Mommy was more used to it because something similar had happened with Oliver. Still, I must admit it was not very lady-like and it hasn't happened since then!

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