Monday, April 26, 2010

Pigtails and the Children's Museum

So, a major development in my life this week was that my hair is finally long enough to go into pigtails! Mommy got some very tiny elastics that she puts in my hair to keep it in place. I'm not ready to get my hair cut yet so this is a good option while I am growing all my hair!

Today mommy took us to the Boston Children's Museum. Mommy had a hard time getting a good picture of me because I was just so busy going from activity to activity. One of my favorites though was playing with the balls and watching them go around and around. I had a great time!

I also liked playing in the sandbox. The only problem is that I wasn't quite tall enough to reach in without the help of my mom. Soon I'll be tall enough and then it will be REALLY fun! We spent about two hours at the museum and then had lunch. After lunch, mommy took us out for an ice cream cone. I think she does that because she loves ice cream so much. Even though she says it's a treat for us, she seems to enjoy it just as much! I am such a happy little toddler right now. Life is fun!!!

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