Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Heart Skype and Other Adventures

While a certain someone who we love has been away we have been having a blast with skype. It is so cool to see him in HK! We always get a kick out of it when he calls. We quickly run over to our chair, mommy sets up the computer and the fun begins! I am really concerned about what food he is eating over there. My questions usually consist of "What did you have for breakfast? What did you have for dinner? What did you have for lunch? Will you bring me back a surprise?" And then I start that same line of questioning all over again. The other day, he moved the computer to show us something and I was CONVINCED he was showing us his bathroom. I started laughing and then realized he was showing us his bed. Silly me!

Oliver has really been into magic lately which means that I have become his devoted assistant. While he says, "Abra cadabra, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls" I just stand there. I do a pretty good job if it if I do say so, but still.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was cold but it was sunny and dry so we bundled up and went to the park. We were SO excited to be there and to get to play on the playground.

Mommy always says to us that the moments when she realizes just how much we've grown up is when we go back to a playground months later and can now do all sorts of things we wouldn't have done the prior time. I decided to climb over this car and I never would have done that this past fall.

I also enjoyed taking Oliver and me to the Museum of Science and then to Target. We had some fun adventures in that car before it got really cold!
Mommy has been getting a kick out of listening to me figure out the meanings of words that are more abstract. Yesterday in the car I was trying to correctly use the word "both." So I said, "I like spending time with you and I like going to Maine with Grammi and Dzia Dzia. I like both of them." And then I used a few other examples. Another word I'm trying to figure out is "normally." Mommy asked me if I wanted to buckle the top part of my carseat and I responded "I normally do that." I think I've figured that out. There are so many different things to learn!!!

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