The reason why I write this blog and take all of these pictures of you is so that you will have the books that I have made from your blog to look back on your childhood and have all of your memories in one place. Every so often, I think of something that seems like it should come from me and not from "you" :) This is one of those times.
You are a very unique person. Truly unique. You live life according to the Adelaide way and that is one of my very favorite things about you. If you feel like taking your shoes off at the library (or anywhere, really), you do it. If you feel like covering your hands with egg dye, you do it. If you feel like running around naked, you have no fears. You make up stories, you have imaginary friends, you like to be messy. You love to paint, draw and spin in circles until you fall down. There are very few things that truly bother you. You are affectionate, you are trusting and you are smart.
I hope you don't ever change but I know you will! When I think about you getting older (especially because you are a female) there are certain pressures you may face to dress a certain way, have certain friends, do certain things and I know you will have choices to make. You may find yourself dressing that certain way, acting differently around certain friends and making mistakes after doing certain things. But, I want you to know that it is okay. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay to feel vulnerable because that vulnerability will enable you to grow as a person. It's okay to be uncertain about who you are because that uncertainty will make you insightful and reflective and more compassionate towards other people.
With all that being said, my biggest hope for you is that you are happy and that you feel loved. I hope that you live your life full of joy because you are special and you are unique. You have been given some wonderful gifts and I hope you embrace them and follow YOUR dreams. Your dad and I will support you as long as what you are doing makes you feel fulfilled. This is your life so tackle it head on!
I don't really think I have truly expressed what I hoped to write here but you get the general idea!
Love, Mommy
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