Mommy always calls me a little free spirit and the time we spent outside yesterday probably gives that description complete justice!
I insisted on wearing my sunglasses outside along with my Crocs. These are probably my two favorite things. Once we got outside, I decided to sit down and take a rest.

Then, I saw grass and thought to myself, "Who needs shoes on when I can be barefoot?" It makes perfect sense to me!

Much better!

Oliver and I trying to figure out what makes the pinwheel spin. Despite mommy giving us hints (basically TELLING us it was the wind), Oliver insisted that it was either the trees or the cars driving by.

I've had enough of the pinwheel. time to pick some dandilions.

Wait- I see more!!!

Looks like I've found a good spot!

After spending some time in the grass just lounging, I decided I'd had enough.

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