It's not often that I take over your blog but I realized that I never wrote you a letter when you turned 2 years old. I figure, what better time than right now, while I am thinking about it! You are now 27 months old and I don't think I could enjoy you any more than I do! You are at such a fun age. You have a wonderful sense of humor. You love to eat food. You especially love dips...ketchup, salad dressing, mustard, barbecue sauce. If you can dip something in it, you'll eat it! One day we caught you dipping your pancakes in ketchup. You take one nap a day in the afternoon. You "read" yourself to sleep and are very good at soothing yourself. Once you are in bed, you stay there until it's time to get out. You have been fussing a little more about taking a nap but you'll still go to bed after one book is read to you.
You are adamant that you are a big girl. If we accidentally say little girl you quickly correct us. You tell us when you have a dirty diaper but still aren't all that interested in sitting on the potty. You know all your colors. In fact, this must be a fairly recent development in your mind, because you'll often go around the house pointing out different colors. You know your body parts. We are working on letters. You know the letter O and have for a while because of Oliver, but you crack me up whenever I show you the letter A. Usually our conversation goes something like this: Me: "Adelaide, what letter is this?" Adelaide: "Umm...N." ME: "No, it's an A." Adelaide: "Oh." ME (showing you the same letter SECONDS later): "Adelaide, what letter is this?" Adelaide: "Ummmm....Q." And then we always start laughing because it's so silly!

You repeat pretty much everything your brother says and you are a little conversationalist. The conversations between you are Oliver are very entertaining, especially first thing in the morning when daddy and I can hear you and Oliver talking to each other in the other room. You enjoy playing by yourself. Your favorite song is Do Re Mi and after we drop Oliver off at preschool, you ask me to play the song over and over again while we are driving to the next destination. One time, we played it 5 times in a row before you stopped asking! You like going to the nursery at church. You love to play "Haircut" with me. I sit in the chair and you take out your beauty bag and I get my hair done by you.
You are so affectionate. Often you will come over and ask for a hug or kiss and say "I love you." You love to say "I love you to the moon and back, the sun and back and underwear." And then you start laughing. You talk about all the people in your life all the time. You talk about us, your grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. You include them in your imaginary play. You also love to pretend to float in the tub.
You are not really all that excited about dresses right now. In fact, when I start to put a skirt on you or a dress on you, you demand pants. This is why I was excited when Auntie Carolyn recommended a place to get cute ruffle pants (see the picture above). I was getting a little tired of the jeans, to be honest! You can take off your diaper, put on underwear and pants. You have a hard time with your shirt but you are working on it.
You have been a little stubborn about saying your prayers lately but I think you are just trying to assert your independence. You get upset if you can't do something you really want to do.
Your loving personality is so evident. We are so thankful for you and love you so much. I almost forgot to mention how much you love your brother. You are becoming wonderful playmates.
I never imagined when I became a mother that I could love my children as much as I love you and Oliver. You're my special little...oh, I'm sorry, big girl!
Love, Mommy
"I love you to the moon and back, the sun and back and underwear." Serious - too cute! She looks super cute in her new MJ outfit!!
I love this post.
Dear Adelaide,
You are a sweetie and you have an amazing mom.
Auntie Shannon
And... you are so loved by everyone. Grammi and Dzia Dzia just love you to pieces!
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