Monday, March 28, 2011


It is safe to say that Oliver and I have been under the weather the past couple of days. One of the BEST parts about not feeling well is that I got to have popsicles and snuggle with my brother. Well, I should clarify that it is mostly my brother who hasn't been feeling well but I've been keeping him company!

Over the weekend, we visited with Mimi and Papa and as Papa said, "She just fits in my arms." I was very cozy with Papa.

I also had some hugs for Mimi!

I got a new pair of sunglasses that I was excited to wear around the house. Here's to hoping for really warm and sunny weather soon!


Ella's Mom said...

those sunglasses are fabulous!

Erin said...

That last pic w the glasses is out of control cute.
Hope to see them in action in May. :)