On the morning of Valentine's Day, I woke up to a little surprise waiting for me downstairs. It was a few candy treats and a Hello Kitty doll.

I happily hugged my Hello Kitty doll.

And gave it lots of kisses!

After breakfast, we got ready to head on an adventure. Our first stop was daddy's work.

We were bringing the people in his office these treat bags we made filled with conversation hearts.

Before we left, we had special Valentine's to give daddy.

Then we headed to an ice cream parlor to make our own sundaes.

I was eagerly anticipating putting toppings on my ice cream.

As you can tell from Oliver's face, we were not disappointed. I was busy saying hello to a man in the other room.

Telling mommy how old I am...

Yup...that man is still over there! My ice cream is almost gone too.

All done!

So happy that I got to enjoy an ice cream on Valentine's Day!

Later on that afternoon, we headed over to see our cousin Gabriella. Earlier in the day she had left a cute hair clip that Auntie Carolyn made for me.

Gabriella and I decided to play "lipstick" together. I had fun putting it on her lips.

And then we worked together pushing a cart full of blocks. Where we were going, I have no idea, but it was fun to do it together!

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