Yesterday, we stayed in all day because of the snow. As the saying goes, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!" We had some points where we had lots of fun and other times when we were going stir crazy. Here is a picture of one of the funnier points of the day. I was riding around on my child-size mop that Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Mike had given me pretending to be a witch invading the little people town.

The other thing that I really wanted to do was sit on the potty. I don't know why I look so serious in this picture because I was NOT being held against my will. I guess I was really focused on the task at hand.

After an hour and a half of reading books, drinking water and being entertained by Oliver, I went pee pee in the potty. And then I was done with that activity! I promptly demanded a diaper and pants and we went on with our day. When I went, Oliver started jumping up and down and I looked at him as if to say "so what, I don't understand what the big deal is." But, it was fun.

Lately, I've really been showing mommy that I am two. I am still a very sweet, affectionate little girl but I am pushing the limits and throwing little temper tantrums here and there. I am really really into washing my hands right now which means I drag the chair over to the sink about ten times a day to try to wash on my own. I really want to do everything myself and I also get frustrated when I can't do something.
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