Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Fun!

I was very excited that it was Thanksgiving. Mommy and daddy thought that I might take a nap at Grammi and Dzia Dzia's but I was way too happy to be celebrating. Here I am enjoying a few crackers before dinner. Oliver and I spent some time getting the sillies out before we sat down. We read books, danced and laughed!

Dzia Dzia and I did some snuggling.

Daddy tried to hide Llama Llama from me. But I wasn't fooled- it was in his pocket!

Got it! Yay for Llama Llama!

Our attempt at a family picture!

Mommy and I took our picture with Grammi! She did such a great job hosting Thanksgiving!

We decided to try to sit still for a picture with our bears but...Oliver and Lorelai thought something was SO funny! I didn't quite get it. It must be a 3 year old thing!

This joke got funnier and funnier...still not getting it!

Oliver's nice picture with his bear.

Lorelai's pretty picture with her bear.

Now I decide to be silly!!!!

When we sat down for dinner we were in for a few surprises- we had new hats! I also got a very pretty bracelet from Grammi!

The wonderful hostess!

My Godfather!

Dzia Dzia "The Leprechaun" Krisko.

Mommy and I successfully snuck a picture of my pretty Godmother!

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