Monday, November 8, 2010

Fun Tutu Pictures!

I have had fun with my tutu! Auntie Carolyn and Uncle Mike gave it to me for my birthday and I think it's great. So girly and it even matches my cupcake shirt from mommy.

Today I had my two year old checkup. I am doing everything I am supposed to be at this age. I am almost 35 inches tall (78%), 25 pounds (30%) and the doctor said I've done a pretty good job of gaining some weight since my last visit. I still don't know my colors and I have some trouble with animal sounds. I don't love puzzles the way Oliver did. But, I can count, recite my alphabet, sing songs and hold a conversation with anyone who will talk to me. I love baby dolls, books, imaginary play and jumping. I know all the people in my family and extended family. I am happy. I like to laugh. Mommy and daddy love me very much.

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