I received a pep talk from Oliver who told me what I should expect in the red room. He told me I'd do great. Off we went to school.
After that, the fun really began. Last year, Oliver would walk into the room and go straight for the tables with the different activities like counting and letters. I headed straight for the babies! I spent almost all of my time there.
I did break to do some puzzles!

What I didn't do throughout the day: eat snack or use the potty. I refused to do either one of those things. Nonna joked that it was because I was probably worried that I'd lose my turn with the babies!

Oliver's class got done a bit early and he surprised me downstairs. We ran to each other and hugged and then he took me upstairs.

On Thursday, I had my first official day and it was by myself! Mommy brought us to school. The night before she explained to me that I needed to use the potty when the teachers told me to, eat snack with everyone and listen to my three teachers. I totally understood and had a really great day.

I went running into school! Really I was just curious if the babies missed me, but still I was excited!

I haven't really talked to anyone yet but mommy gave the teachers the heads up that I am very shy for the first few weeks of meeting new people. I like to take everything in and then I become more outgoing. The teachers said I have had a great two days and I seem to be enjoying myself. And, I used the potty and ate snack on Thursday!

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