We spent the first day at the beach. We discovered the fun of being buried in the sand. I got such a kick out of being in the sand.

Later on in the day, we played with the 3d bubbles that Aunt Nonna gave to us. They were fun. Oliver was successful at seeing the 3d images but I had a hard time.

Nonna prepared a delicious lobster dinner for everyone. We did not stay up for the lobster, but we had a delicious dinner before everyone else ate their feast!

We brought some silly gifts for all of the other guests and these teeth were a gift that mommy, Oliver and I picked out for daddy. I decided to try them on.

One afternoon, mommy, daddy, Oliver and I headed to a pond near Nonna and Papa's house. I did a lot of lounging around.

I eventually ventured to the edge of the water where I begged mommy or daddy to fill my pail with water. I did not want to get my toes wet. After some coaxing, I convinced daddy to fill up my pail.

On Sunday afternoon, daddy took Oliver to see a movie so I stayed with mommy and played with her and helped her make a black bean salad.

Monday morning we were in for a treat! It was the 4th of July and Aunt Nonna brought all sorts of fun hats and beads for us to wear.

The parade was a lot of fun. We had front row seats and once we learned that waving, clapping and smiling leads to lots of candy being thrown our way, we were all about it!

We had a wonderful 4th of July weekend at Nonna and Papa's house!
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