Aha! Now the helmet makes sense. I had been wondering all week long why mommy and daddy took me to pick out a helmet. At first, I thought it was to protect myself against my big brother. Then, I thought it was to wear when playing in the house and then I thought perhaps I should wear it to bed.

But, Saturday morning Oliver and I were in for one of the funnest surprises I could have ever imagined. We drove over to Grammi and Dzia Dzia's house and when we got out of the car, we heard the garage door open. I'm a little shorter than Oliver so I immediately saw the surprises. I started yelling, "a bike, a bike, a bike!" Daddy had come over the night before and put them together with Dzia Dzia. We went running to our bikes and hopped right on.

I really love my bike. I can't even describe it. I have been so proud of it. I've been telling people about it and I keep on asking to "ride" it. I can't really pedal yet but I have confidence that I will be riding by summer.

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