Monday, January 24, 2011

All About the Smoosher Hug!

Despite my face, I was pretty happy to get a smoosher hug from Oliver. We stayed like this on the daybed for five minutes the other day.
Daddy has been working really hard at school and work so we were so happy to see him when he got home on Friday night. He gives the best airplane rides. I'm watching him give Oliver one and eagerly awaiting my turn.
It's my turn. Hooray! I love airplane rides!
Trying to convince mommy to give us a joint airplane ride. She tried at least!

In other big news, I have been moved to Oliver's old bed. Mommy and daddy approached Oliver and me with the idea yesterday morning and it was met with lots of excitement. Oliver was jumping up and down. This means that I now sleep in Oliver's bed and Oliver will get another little boy bed. For now, he is sleeping in the double bed. Last night after mommy put us to bed, we each stayed in our beds and "read" books to each other and talked back and forth. After about 45 minutes, we fell asleep. It was our first sleepover and we had fun.
Last week, I met my new niece, Caliryan. She is really cute and I can't wait to play with her.

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