Since I last wrote, I have had a few adventures. I spent the weekend at Nonna and Papa's house while mommy went to class and daddy worked on a paper and at his job. I don't have any pictures from the three days we spent there but I had a great time. The first full day I was there, we went with Nonna to meet up with her friend Donna. We had lunch with her and then we got a special treat- a pillow pet! I picked out a Valentine's Day dog. I love it. Since I got back, I've been sleeping with it in my crib. We were also treated to a shrimp dinner and pea pizza. We did make your own pizzas and mine consisted of pizza with peas on top. Yummy! Nonna and Papa took such good care of us. Oliver was determined to stay another night, but we had to come home sometime, right?

When we got home, we went over to Grammi and Dzia Dzia's for spaghetti and meatballs. When mommy's class ended, she met us there. The food was yummy and I had fun seeing my cousin Gabriella, Uncle Mike, Aunt Carolyn and my Great Aunts and Uncle. Last week, Gabriella came over to play but mommy was very bad about taking pictures. I had fun playing with her!
Monday brought Monday Mad Science day again! We started out with a simple experiment involving citric acid and baking powder. After successfully completing the experiment, mommy decided we were ready for the big one!
We made an exploding volcano!!!
After the science, we decided it was time for a little Shakespeare, with costumes of course. Here I am searching for my Romeo:) Who can resist a wig wearing, butterfly winged lady!
Then I went the more modern route with the cap.
Today while Oliver was at school, I got my hair cut! I got a bob with little bangs. I love it. I've been so excited about it all day! My hair is much more under control. And, shhhh...don't tell anyone but it makes it look thicker too!
I forgot to mention...we are moving in with Lorelai. I'm just kidding of course, but when we went to her house to play the other day the three of us decided that we should live there and we also decided that there was room for mommy in the bed as well. Auntie Shannon took this picture. Mommy didn't have her camera with her...AGAIN. We were all laughing every time mommy said "pepper." Why it was so funny at the time, I can't remember but it was.