I thought quite a bit about how I wanted to end 2011 in our blog. I decided to do a snapshot of our year, month by month, reflecting along the way about some of the most important parts of our year...the people, the places and the events that really defined our family over the course of those twelve months. So, here it goes:
We rang in the New Year with some of our favorite cousins down in Rockville! Family means the world to me and we are so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives.
Adelaide became obsessed with underwear. She wore it on her head, over her clothes and every other way possible. She continues to crack us up and keep us entertained...with her underwear worn the proper way as of this writing!
We welcomed our niece, Cali into this world! She is adorable, sweet and bright.
Miss Lorelai became a big sister!!!
And our sweet Goddaughter Gabriella turned one!
We had a fun time celebrating Valentine's Day this year.
Dzia Dzia wrote Oliver's name in the snow...kind of cute and kind of strange at the same time (especially when the letters started to bleed)!
We enjoyed a Valentine's Day dinner with some of our favorite friends!
We brought some treats to Chris's work.
We invited Grammi and Dzia Dzia over for a Valentine's Day dinner.
We went to Shannon's birthday party! My lovely sister-in-law celebrated her 30th birthday!
We also headed up to Maine for some sledding with Dzia Dzia and Grammi!
We had a birthday celebration for Chris! Oliver decided that it was crucial he wear his Buzz costume for the occasion.
Maybe not a real beer, but I think it still tasted good!
We enjoyed many Easter festivities, included face painting.
Our cupcake making has gotten much messier this year! Oliver and Adelaide love sprinkles, frosting and anything else they can put on top of a cupcake.
Oliver and Adelaide got their first bikes!
We celebrated a wonderful Easter dinner at my parents house.
We also celebrated my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! This is such an amazing event. It serves as a good reminder of the beauty of marriage and love.
Our adorable niece Kate was born!
Oliver and Adelaide ran their first road race!
Chris got his MBA. I was so proud of him!
And I had a wonderful Mother's Day complete with bear hugs. The other little lady was, I believe, naked at the time which is why she is absent from this picture!
I saw my friend Rebecca who I do not get to see very often.
And, Dan and Erin visited! It was so much fun to see Oliver and Adelaide spend time with their uncle and aunt.
I went to a lovely and adorable ballet recital that my Goddaughter Lorelai was in!
Chris and I spent a night in Boston.
I discovered that my husband really enjoys Mike's Lemonade and Us Magazine. Now I know why I fell in love with him!
Adelaide is still obsessed with underwear...this time it's on her head.
My great birthday surprise at Buffalo Wild Wings. Oliver planned it, invited the guests and really made it a true surprise:)!
This year we spent the 4th of July down at the Cape with Nonna, Papa, Aunt Linda, Uncle Tony and the rest of their family!
Oliver turned four!
And celebrated with Lorelai at Pump It Up!
We also spent a week in Maine with the cousins!
And then some time at Cape Cod with Nonna and Papa.

Chris and I went to Harpoon's 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Chris and I took the kids up to Maine during his vacation. Adelaide loved meeting Cinderella!

Oliver caught his first real fish!

We made a rainbow cake!
And did some lounging!

My dad turned 60 and found out he was leaving the next day for Poland!!
Oliver and Adelaide had surgery to repair their hernias. Adelaide got a bye-bye bee bo cake.
The great haircutting incident of 2011 also occurred...so glad I was trying to prepare her early for preschool! Lesson learned. Hold off on those scissors for as long as possible!
One of my favorite pictures of them. Such a fun day!
First day of preschool! My mom took Oliver and my mother-in-law took Adelaide!

Making cupcakes in honor of school!

Michelle made pasta with Oliver and Adelaide for the first time!

Corn Maze 2011!

First time at the Topsfield Fair!
Picking out our pumpkins.

Our first time carving pumpkins. My dad was a big help!
Making a pumpkin pie at Nonna and Papa's house!
One last dip in the lake in Maine!

All of the cousins on the Krisko side together!
Spooky Foods dinner 2011!
Halloween at my parent's house! Oliver and Adelaide loved seeing Grammi and Dzia Dzia dressed up as Cat in the Hat and Thing Two!

Adelaide turns THREE!

We spend a weekend in Williamstown and I get stuck in a tree. Oliver thought it was hysterical.
They got to touch a purple cow :)
We spent Thanksgiving at my parents house this year.

The festivities included having Grammi over for hot chocolate!
I think you realize just how much you love your children when you are so proud of them at their holiday concerts REGARDLESS of what they are doing during the show!

Christmas tree is all decorated.

Chris rocked our karaoke night!

I was reminded once again of just how important friends are at any age!
We had a wonderful Krisko Christmas and were sung to by these little elves.
We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Nonna and Papa!
This picture was taken last night by Michelle. Mike and Carolyn are moving soon and this picture reminded me of the fun times the six of us have had over the past few years. We've enjoyed so many things together- brunches, birthdays, holidays, parties and vacations. I will miss having Mike and Carolyn so close to us.
This post really reminded me of the importance of family, friends and creating memories. Even though it's important to look forward to what awaits us, I also think it is important to look back and be reminded of the wonderful moments that we have created.
Happy New Year!