Dear Adelaide,
It is so hard to believe that you are three. The time has gone by so quickly! When you were born, the doctor who checked on you daily at the hospital said that you were going to be a stubborn, reserved child. He said he liked to make predictions based on early personality. Well, I think it is safe to say he is right! You are very stubborn. If you have something that you don't like to do or that you don't agree with, you look away and pretend like we aren't there! You aren't vocal about it but your body language makes it pretty evident. Fortunately, this does not happen TOO often! When it does, though, it is very entertaining because what you are doing is so obvious.
You also have a small circle of people who you openly love and are affectionate with. They include mommy, daddy, Oliver, Grammi, Dzia Dzia, Nonna, Papa, Gabriella, Lorelai, Cali, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Mike, Auntie Shannon and Uncle Matt. When you meet new people or people you haven't seen in a long time, though, you are very very shy. You will reach for daddy or me to make you feel safe. I was the same way as a child.
You are so so affectionate and always have something positive to say. You will, unprompted, go over to "your people" and say "I love you" and give hugs and kisses. If you accidentally spill something or if Oliver does, you'll say "that's okay, that's okay."
Every Thursday night I have school and I get home around 8. You ALWAYS wait up for me in your bed. The second you hear the door open, you'll say, "Mommy, come up and give me a kiss." I run upstairs and snuggle with you in your bed for a few minutes before saying goodnight.
You have your own style. You love leggings, despise tights. You love shirts, will reluctantly wear dresses. You love shoes, even though you only have a few pairs. You love nail polish and lipstick.
You know that your name starts with an A. You can count physical objects up to 6 and count much higher without having to count specific objects. You love to play with your dolls and make up stories about them. You have a funny sense of humor. You always say, "I love you to the moon and back and underwear." Your favorite words are pee and poop. We're still working on that:)!
You've been completely potty trained since June. You decided one day that you were ready to use the potty and never looked back. You really wanted to wear underwear at night like Oliver so I told you if you stayed dry for 5 nights then you could. You went 5 nights in a row and that was it. You often decide to do something well before you actually do it, rather than just plunging in.
You are the great negotiator. When we'll ask you to do something, you'll ultimately end up doing it but not before coming up with a few (really good, I might add) reasons why there should be another option.
You are happy. You are lovely. You are strong. You are sweet. You are charming. You are a gift to us.
I love you!
Love, Mommy