What would an entry be without a silly picture of me. Lately, I've been obsessed with potties, underwear and bathrooms. Well, I
am a two year old after all. So, it should come as no surprise that mommy was in the car getting ready to drive us to a park when she looked behind her and saw me grinning ear-to-ear with a pair of my Hello Kitty underpants on my head. Oliver and I thought it was hysterical!

Once we got to the park, we decided to play pretend baseball. Oliver stood on the pitcher's mound and started throwing imaginary balls.

I started running the bases. If I had known I'd be getting so dirty I probably wouldn't have worn my white skinny jeans.

Apparently I run with my tongue out of my mouth. Who knew?

Finally, I'd had enough base running and headed over to the playground area.

After Oliver and I played for a while, we decided to play hide and seek in the trees. Here I am "hiding." I was very difficult to find!

Caught by mommy and Oliver!

Oliver started laughing hysterically when I used some potty words while running around.

Oliver asked mommy if he could see her camera so she gave it to him and he captured mommy and me on the ground in a hug.

After lunch at home, we met up with mommy's friend Dawn for some ice cream and a new park adventure.

Blue ice cream is very cool!

While we were at this beautiful park in Arlington, we went to the top of these stairs and could see Boston. Oliver was very excited to show Dawn the city.

Dawn taught Oliver and me how to roll down the hill. Being the lady that I am, I decided it would be more fun to watch Oliver roll.

There he goes!

I think I'll scoot down the hill. I scooted down the entire hill. No rolling for me!

We had such a fun day. We were so tired that Oliver and I both napped on the way home.