Sunday, May 23, 2010

Practicing Jumps, Afraid of the Sprinkler and Other Moments

The past week has been a whirlwind of fun! Mommy took us to the park one afternoon. Oliver and I thought it would be really fun to wear our jackets so we refused to take them off, even though the weather was really nice!

I am getting really great at going down the slides all by myself. It is one of my favorite things to do. I like the swings and I like the slides.

At the end of last week, Oliver and I were acting kind of cranky so mommy made happy faces out of our fruit. It put a huge smile on my face! Mommy told us we needed to turn our frowns upside down! On Sunday, daddy, Oliver and I headed down to Cape Cod to see Nonna and Papa. Mommy stayed here an extra day to go to Great Auntie Jo's wake and funeral. While we were down there we went to the library, park and the children's museum. I even rode a bike with daddy.

Oliver has been going to the Little Gym and we decided to practice our jumps in the kitchen.

All was going well until Oliver decided to give me a push. I was not happy.

This afternoon we headed over to Grammi and Dzia Dzia's. Dzia Dzia thought it would be fun to put on the sprinklers and mommy, daddy and Oliver loved it! I was not a huge fan. In fact, despite my love of water I thought it was kind of silly. But, I enjoyed watching with mommy and also watching from the deck with Grammi. Oliver was hysterical cracking us all up. I've never seen a funnier boy...he was running around in a denim diaper, wearing Grammi's hat and getting really wet. So silly!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My First Haircut and Other Adventures

Today was a big day. This afternoon, mommy asked me if I wanted to get my hair cut and I was so excited I said, "yes, cut, yes, cut" over and over again! When we got to the hairdresser, I jumped in the chair and started smiling. I couldn't stop! It was my special day. Oliver sat in the chair and watched me.

The hairdresser recommended a trim and some styling in the back and so that's what we did. When I was done I politely looked at the hairdresser and said, "ollypop please." That's what my brother always says when he goes to the barber so I asked for a lollipop too. Luckily, she had some handy and I even said "nother one" so that Oliver could get one too!

This morning mommy took us to an indoor playground. I had so much fun playing in the sand.

I just couldn't stop saying "cheese" and smiling for camera. It was a really fun day.

I got to sit in a swing and be pushed by mommy. I wanted to go higher and higher but eventually mommy put her foot down!

I went on the smaller slide all by myself and then proceeded to run around the entire place.

I also built some different types of buildings using the large colorful blocks.

One of my favorite spots was the dollhouse. I love dollhouses, hint hint mommy and daddy. I spent a lot of time setting up the dolls and playing with them. I even carried a few of them around the playground with me.

Sunday was Mother's Day and we made enchiladas for mommy and daddy helped us with our cards. We had a great day celebrating mom!

This past weekend we went to Maine. I am smiling at the camera while Oliver was running around like a silly person trying to get all of us to dance to Neil Diamond. Ugh! Seriously, Oliver?

The rest of the weekend in Maine was spent having breakfast at "Papa's Cookerie," coloring, going for a drive and eating smores at the end of the day. Overall a really fun time with the family!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Do Myself!

I Do Myself is my favorite phrase this week and I am definitely an independent little girl! I am learning how to do so much and I love expressing it. This past weekend, Oliver and I headed to Maine with Grammi and Dzia Dzia while mommy and daddy went to Brooklyn. While in Maine, I sat in a swing all by myself and spent lots of time with Grammi and Dzia Dzia, Uncle Mike and Aunt Carolyn, Gabriella and Mimi and Papa. I was a little shy around Mimi and Papa but next time I see them I'll be much more comfortable! Yesterday, Mommy, Oliver and I met up with Aunt Carolyn and Gabriella at Lynch Park. We had fun showing Gabriella the ropes! I can't wait until she is old enough to really play with us! Today we went to Nick's house and had a munchkin and fruit snack and then played outside and in Nick's room. Earlier tonight, mommy took out a surprise that she had been saving for us....Candyland! We had lots of fun playing it. I kept on saying "Hip Hip Hooray!"

Oliver decided the other day that it would be really fun to change my diaper. I think if he is changing other people's diaper then it is time for him to start using the potty! He may disagree with me on this one, but still! That's all for now. Until next time, Adelaide the Adventurous One