As of today, I am officially one month old and what a month it has been. After spending the first two weeks catching up on my beauty sleep, I decided it was time to make my presence known. I am now awake for a large part of the day...at least 7 or 8 hours. I love to be held more than anything else. I can hold my head up for brief periods at a time and I like to make eye contact so that I can figure you out! Mommy and daddy told me I get this pensive look on my face like Oliver did when I am meeting new people. So far he hasn't needed botox so hopefully I won't either! I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 9 1/2 pounds. My brother Oliver is already looking out for me. He started crying when we got to the doctor's because he thought it was his turn but once he realized it was my turn, he got all concerned and started to frantically say my name over and over. It was quite sweet how concerned he was for me. That's one of the perks of having an older brother. He's there to protect me. Last week we went on the Polar Express ride. I'm sure you can tell what I thought of it from this picture of me with my dad. Not to say that I won't like it some day but for now I'd much rather be doing other things!

I had a delightful visit to the Cape for my first Thanksgiving. I got to spend lots of time with Nonna, Papa, Grammi and Dziadzia. Lucky me!
My brother Oliver has decided that he likes to be "waddled" also. I have been telling him the proper name is swaddled but he just can't get it right.
My brother is poking at me right now trying to annoy me so I should go. Until next time, Adelaide