Hello Everyone! I have finally arrived. My big brother Oliver has his own blog and since I want to be just like him, I decided to start one of my own. Mommy and daddy were in for a surprise when I was born. With my brother, they knew that he was a boy when they had the ultrasound. With me, they decided they wanted to be surprised. And surprised they were! They were convinced I was a boy. I did that on purpose. I wanted to keep them on their toes until my birth.
Mommy went into labor on Wednesday, November 5th. Her entire labor lasted about 12 hours. It was definitely shorter than when Oliver was born.
I arrived on Thursday, November 6th at 6:16 am. I weighed 8 pounds and was 21 1/2 inches long. My full name is Adelaide Cheryl. I really made myself heard. I didn't stop crying for 15 minutes. Then I decided it was time to go back to sleep. Sleeping is so much fun. I still sleep most of the day and most of the night. Oliver really wants to play with me and give me kisses all the time but a girl needs her beauty sleep, you know? The doctors that saw me at the hospital said I looked great. The first doctor I saw told mommy and daddy that I already have abdominal muscles. I'm going to be a strong one! The second doctor said I have really big feet...I get that from my big brother. He still has big feet! I had all sorts of visitors at the hospital. Nonna and Papa came from the Cape. Grammi and Dziadzia came to see me. I also got to see Uncle Mike, Aunt Carolyn, mommy's cousins Carolyn and Shayna, and Rob and Vy. Since I arrived home, I saw Uncle Matt, Aunt Shannon, Lorelai and Chris and Michelle.

These pictures are from my first week of life. The first picture is of Grammi and me in the hospital. I wish I hadn't been so tired...but soon enough I'll be keeping everyone busy. This week Grammi is taking time off from work to spend time with me. I am really excited. I can't wait!
The second picture is one of the few that mommy and daddy have where my eyes are open.
Mommy took a picture of daddy and me when we got home from the hospital because I look just like daddy. I still do!
I already love my Dziadzia so much. My hands are crossed. That is something that Oliver also used to do.
Nonna and me at the hospital. After mommy got home from the hospital, nonna came to spend a couple of days when daddy went back to work. It was so much fun to have her visit. I got to spend lots of time with her. She made mommy and daddy dinner and helped make life a lot easier for mommy. Thank you Nonna!
Mommy and daddy have the best neighbors! The first night mommy and daddy got home from the hospital, their neighbors Chris and Michelle made dinner for them and came over for a visit. Dinner smelled so yummy...soon enough I'll be eating real food.
Here I am trying to decide what to wear home from the hospital. All sorts of choices and all of them pink. I love it!
A few more photos from my first days of life. Life is good!